Request a Refund

To receive a refund, the order purchase payment has to be within the last last 14 days.
Per our Refund Policy (view policy), verify if your order purchase is qualified for a refund request:
1. No Refund Policy
Select WordPress Plugins or Analysis Fees have a strict NO REFUND POLICY.
Exception clause on Plugins only, if the plugin causes errors or website crashes after installation of the Plugin purchased you may qualify for a refund. To qualify for the refund, you must submit a support request at and submit a ticket including screenshots of the error or failure message and logs from the website you are installing the plugin. A 14 business day support period will start for BizSwoop Support Team to provide troubleshooting to fix or resolve the error on the website created by the Plugin purchased. If after the 14 business day period, the BizSwoop Support Team has not fixed the error or reported issue a refund will be provided for the purchase.
2. 14-day money-back guarantee
For the 14-day refund policy, you have 14 days to evaluate and review the plugin for all purchase plans. If you decide to not use the plugin or the plugin doesn’t provide the functionality you need for your website, we offer a FULL refund on the product purchase price. Monthly plans are only available for a 14 day refund period on the first month of activation, monthly renewals don’t qualify for refunds. No refund requests will be processed after 14 days based upon Order purchase timestamp, no exceptions. You are required to cancel the monthly subscription prior to current subscription period ending to avoid payment being taken for the next period.
3. Monthly Subscriptions
You are required to cancel the monthly subscription prior to current subscription period ending to avoid payment being taken for the next period. No refunds of a monthly subscription renewal will be provided on recurring monthly subscriptions after the initial 14-day money-back guarantee period or 14-day free trial period, no exceptions.
4. Annual Subscriptions
You are required to cancel the annual subscription prior to current subscription period ending to avoid payment being taken for the next annual period. No refunds of an annual subscription renewal will be provided on recurring annual subscriptions after the initial 14-day money-back guarantee period or 14-day free trial period of the original order date, no exceptions.
Important Note: For refunds issued, an automated check will be performed for the remaining subscription period verifying the plugin has remained deactivated & deleted. If plugin is enabled, an automatic payment charge will occur for a new activation.